Preview (T1): Goblin Den

Some time ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a computer game design contest. Entries were given two weeks to design a playable level and complete freedom to choose which game engine to use.  Unity, UDK, Source Engine, Dark Engine were some of the recommended platforms. Several constraints were imposed: for example, the level had to be single player, consist in an assassination mission, and more generally be a display of creativity.

Needless to say, I submitted a small entry with Thief: the Dark Project’s Dark Engine, an entry which I am now planning on releasing (with the consent of the contest organizers). It’s a short and rather inconsequential mission where I attempt to showcase some of my modest level design skills. Also, for the first time in my DromEd “career”, I’ve attempted to incorporate a short briefing within the mission in the form of a Cam-Vator sequence. My girlfriend and I merrily wrote the dialogue and supplied the boisterous voice acting, which was also a first.

The level is set apart from the cannon Thief universe. The player adopts the role of a mercenary hired by the king of the lands to assassinate a traitor: the royal alchemist. This treacherous villain has formed an alliance with the goblins with the intention of overthrowing the kingdom and claiming it for himself. Hence, following the orders of the king, the player must infiltrate the goblin lair, execute the alchemist, and escape to safety.

9 thoughts on “Preview (T1): Goblin Den

  1. That’s some pretty screenshots you got there, Sperry ! So, did you finally use Newdark for this one ?
    Needless to say, I hope you can publish it in the future

  2. I’ve still got this one in my files, but am focusing on other projects right now (a winter mission which I’ve posted a few screens on ttlg). What’s frustrating though is that that this mission is practically finished, I could beta it, but there are still a few things I’d like to improve before doing so. I’ll surely finish it some day. It’s still T1 old dark.

    • Not dead yet. I’m still in good enough shape for now, but I’ve been struggling to find time to dromed lately. I’m very invested in my job, as here in the Paris region these are quite hard to come by, while the rents are disproportionately high (kind of like in Thief). I’ve nonetheless been working on one of my other projects, “the undercroft”, from time to time.

  3. Hey man it’s been three years already, I don’t want to pressure you but how’s your projects going?

    Anyway, I know having a real life and working on dromed is not always easy and that’s why I can lend you a hand if you need to.
    If you’re interested send me a P.M. over TTLG, my pseudonym is Squadarofl.

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